a group of children singing on a stage

Production Sponsorship

Sponsor a First Stage production

Create a unique, personalized, and mutually beneficial partnership with First Stage based on the philanthropic priorities of your company. Your sponsorship will promote your company’s brand, provide marketing visibility, and offer meaningful experiences for your company and guests.

Based on your Sponsorship Level, your Sponsor benefits may include:

All Sponsorship Levels:

  • Tickets to your sponsored performance (number of tickets depends on level).
  • Exclusive ticket discount provided to your employees.
  • Verbal recognition prior to every sponsored performance (number of performances depends on level).
  • Recognition in the production playbill and First Stage’s donor listing.
  • Ad in production playbill (ad size varies on level).

$10,000 & $25,000 Sponsorship Levels:

  • Prime logo placement on First Stage’s website.
  • Acknowledgment on production-specific social media channels for loyal following of roughly 25k.
  • Recognition on production-specific email correspondence.
  • Recognition in press releases, brochure/postcards, and other marketing materials.

$25,000 Sponsorship Level:

  • Your company name and logo on production poster and title page of production playbill
  • Live Curtain Speech at designated performance by CEO or other company representative.
  • Your company name or logo displayed on all tickets to sponsored production.
  • Your company name or logo located on production’s Enrichment Guide.
  • Framed production poster autographed by the cast.

Stay tuned for more information about our 2024/2025 sponsorship opportunities