a group of kids in uniform


Know Before You Go: FAQs

Familiarize yourself with the First Stage performance experience by reviewing our Frequently Asked Questions about attending a show.

If you have further questions, please contact us at (414) 267-2961 or email 

How long are performances?

Performance durations can vary, but most evening and weekend performances are approximately 90 minutes in length, including a brief intermission.

School matinee performances are approximately 75-80 minutes in length, without intermission.

Young Company Projects may be 90 minutes to two and a half hours in length, with intermission.

What happens if I am late to a performance?

For the safety of our performers, and to ensure an enjoyable experience for audience members, latecomers are seated at the discretion of the House Manager at a suitable break in the performance. You may not be seated in your ticketed seats at this time, but you are welcome to take those seats at the intermission of the performance. This also applies to patrons who need to leave their seats during a performance.

Will I receive a program for the performance?

You will receive a link to our Digital Playbill in your performance reminder email (send 2-3 days prior to your scheduled performance, with other helpful information), as well as from signage in the lobby. Digital Playbill archives are on our website.

When you arrive to the performance, printed mini playbills featuring a cast and artistic team listing are offered for your convenience. These mini playbills will also include a link and QR code to access the Digital Playbill.

May I take photos or videos of the performance?

The use of cameras, recording equipment, and other electronic devices is strictly prohibited in the theater during performances. If you are seen recording or photographing the performance, a House Manager or Usher will ask you permanently delete your image files and put your device away.

You may take pictures of your friends and family in their seats inside the theater before the performance starts or after the performance and talkback has ended.

If you have questions about taking photos, please contact the House Manager at the theater. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Are food and beverages permitted in the theater?

Food and beverages are not permitted in the theater, with the exception of bottled water.

An assortment of snacks (including individually wrapped cookies, Rice Krispie treats, juice boxes, bottled water) are sold in the lobby for most evening and weekend performances. 

Is there merchandise sold at the performance?

A selection of books and other items related to the play, as well as handcrafted goods from First Stage artisans, are often available in the upper lobby of the Todd Wehr Theater. Merchandise is sold prior to the start of the performance and during intermission. 

What happens if there is inclement weather?

We acknowledge weather in Wisconsin can be unpredictable! If severe conditions were to warrant performance cancellation, First Stage will attempt to contact all ticket holders for that performance by means of email, news, social media, and phone. Please make sure we have your updated contact information when you place your ticket order.